Dr Robyn Short discusses Religious Conflict in the Workplace and show us how preserving human dignity is the way to succeed in business
If you enjoyed last weeks episode https://interfaith-encounters.simplecast.com/episodes/suhag-shukla-on-religious-conflict-and-peace you'll love our interview this week with Dr. Robyn Short of the Workplace Peace Institute https://www.workplacepeaceinstitute.com/mission-vision-alignment
Dr. Robyn Short is the founder and CEO of Workplace Peace Institute, a consulting and research firm that brings peace and dignity to the workplace. She works as an organization development consultant, peace-building trainer, mediator, racial equity coach, and restorative justice facilitator. She is the founder and publisher of GoodMedia Press, an independent book publisher that’s mission is to promote peace and social justice through books and other media. Dr. Short is the founder and board chair of the Peace & Conciliation Project, a 501(c)(3) antiracism organization that brings communities together to address and repair the harm of racial injustice. She is an adjunct professor at Southern Methodist University in the Master of Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution program, Master of Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution at Lipscomb University, and Master of Leadership and Negotiation at Bay Path University. She has authored four books on peace building.